
To compose a and create a rap (with beat if possible) about bullying.

How did you go about achieving this?
I think that our rap worked out well because we all contributed our ideas.

What resources were used to help you?
The resources Brook, Kaira and I used to make our rap was a sheet of paper and we had to choose two words from each sentence. We also used a website called - HTML5- Drumkit.

Did you go through the process on your own or collaborate with other people?
I worked on the rap with Brook and Kaira.

How did you find the process?
I found that the process was fun and I think that our rap ended up being really good.

What did you enjoy most about the process of creating a rap?
The thing that I enjoyed the most was using the website -HTML5- Drumkit for the first time and also working together as a group to make a bunch of words into a really good rap.

What  might be your next step?
I think that my next step is to come up with even better ideas.

(We looked at what is Hip Hop and the 4 elements of it. We watched some rap videos on bullying. We were given an environmental rap in groups and had to learn and perform it. We looked at how rap is composed, and wrote some rhyming couplets about school. We were given a page of rhyming words that could be used and started the process of creating a rap. We were given ideas for creating a backbeat via a website – HTML5 – Drum Kit.)


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